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Nucor Steel will build new mills in Missouri

Date:2017-12-02 11:41:54 Visit:1440

Nucor, the United States, will set up a new steel mill in Seatillo, in central Missouri. Missouri governor recently announced that Nucor Steel invested at least 250 million U.S. dollars to build this small mills. Stakeholders said the company will receive up to 27.3 million US dollars in the next 15 years development incentive. The source noted that if it were not the law passed by the Missouri government this summer, Nucor would likely not build a new mills in Missouri that would allow mills and other major power-hungry firms to negotiate long-term low prices contract. Proponents of the law would like to take this opportunity to create more jobs in southeastern Missouri. Last year, more than 900 people were left unemployed after the shutdown of the Nolander Aluminum Company metallurgical plant in southeastern Missouri.

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